Sambuccus nigra
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Elderflower is a fantastic herb for fighting respiratory infections and irritation.
Actions include: expectorant, circulatory stimulant, mild laxative and diuretic. Commonly used to reduce fever and inflammation, for colds, flus, coughs and congestion, to relieve seasonal allergies and hay fever. Elderflower has a floral flavour that's slightly herby, sweet and musky. The flowers are famous for making elderflower cordial, and recently, as a star of the royal wedding cake.
Scientific Name
Sambuccus nigra
Plant Part
Cut Size
Organic Status
Trade not-cert
Dried Herbs
wellness, culinary, creative
European Elder, Elderberry, Sambuci flos
Store in a sealed container and in a cool, dry place
*Country of Origin may differ from what is shown above
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