Horsetail Powder
Equisetum arvense
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Today it resembles grass, but back when dinosaurs were around, it grew much, much taller.
Horesetail is prehistoric! Today it resembles grass, but back when dinosaurs were around, it grew much, much taller. It’s very rich in silica, which contributes to healthy skin, hair, and nails. Horestail is astringent, diuretic, styptic and a tissue and kidney tonic. Native to southern Europe.
Used externally to stop bleeding. Medicinal uses include; Stop bleeding when applied tropically, repairs tissue, aids in healthy skin, treats urinary tract, reduces inflammation.
Scientific Name
Equisetum arvense
Plant Part
Cut Size
Organic Status
Wildcrafted not-cert
Dried Herbs
Field Common Horsetail
Store in a sealed container and in a cool, dry place
*Country of Origin may differ from what is shown above
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