Siberian Ginseng Root Organic
Eleutherococcus senticosus
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Siberian Ginseng is rumoured to be the first ever herb to be termed an “adaptogen".
In his “Great Catalogue of Medicinal Herbs” Li Shih Chen called Siberian Ginseng a superior herb. “Its action is to invigorate physical energy, regulate vigour, strengthen the skeleton and tendons, and increase one’s ambition.” Siberian ginseng helps to normalise the way in which the body responds to stress and acts to regulate the manufacture and secretions of the adrenal hormones.
By far the biggest single use of Siberian ginseng is its ability to increase energy and enhance mental performance.
Scientific Name
Eleutherococcus senticosus
Plant Part
Cut Size
4-10mm natural
Organic Status
Organic certified
Dried Herbs
wellness, naturopathy, culinary
Store in a sealed container and in a cool, dry place
*Country of Origin may differ from what is shown above
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